Wednesday, March 14, 2012

The Lord Prepares

I don't know how many of you have read chapter 2 of Ether in the Book of Mormon but I had an AMAZING experience while reading it this morning. If you are not Mormon still read as I know you can gain insight from our Heavenly Father through this story.

The brother of Jared is asked to build a ship to make it to the promised land. The land above all others where those who live shall serve God forever. The problem is that there was no light in the boat therefore they could not steer.

So he goes to the Lord and asks what he should do. The Lord gives him an answer but it still doesn't work and the brother of Jared in panic asks again of the Lord what he should do.

The Lord answers "And behold, I prepare you against these things; for ye cannot cross this great deep save I prepare you against the waves of the sea, and the winds which have gone forth, and the floods which shall come."

We have all been prepared to take on certain challenges and if we do ALL that is asked of us the Lord will fill in for the rest.

In my journey to find a spouse I have found myself lost and confused many times. Twice I have really felt like I found him. I have made wedding plans twice, picked a few different dates, found the same dress that I love twice, I have discussed rings with two different guys, I have actually received a ring once, I have also had to break up twice. Now I am pleading with the Lord to guide me. I know He has prepared me for this and He will deliver me. The promised Land is on its way, but for now I just have to have faith.

He will prepare a way for you too.

Monday, March 12, 2012

"It'll be alright again"

Everyone worries about you when you go through a tough break up. All of a sudden you hear from people you haven't heard from in years. Too be honest, I LOVE IT. I am so grateful to all the friends and family that have been there for me during this tough time. I want you all to know that I am doing alright.

To the blog world... I AM BACK and hopefully this time to stay.

I have much to say but for now I just want to share this song that I have listened to at least 50 times the past few days.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

"Lost Boy" Sudan Documentary Part 1

today i am feeling extra grateful for...









the list could go on a on.

we all face challenges and often times lose sight of the things that continue to go right in our lives.

check out how these "Lost Boys" of Sudan survive some extreme conditions and hopefully we can all be more grateful for what we have been given in our lives...

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

True Love

growing up watching chick flicks i created my personal definition of "love".

the heart wrenching, blood flow stopping, butterfly feeling in the stomach is what made me fall in "love" boy after boy.

but if it was love, why didn't it last?

because true love takes time.

and to be REAL it needs to be continual, it needs to last.

"True love is a process. True love requires personal action. Love must be continuing to be real. Love takes time. Too often expediency, infatuation, stimulation, persuasion, or lust are mistaken for love. How hollow, how empty if our love is no deeper than the arousal of momentary feeling or the expression in words of what is no more lasting than the time it takes to speak them."
(Love Takes Time; Marvin J. Ashton
i often wonder why it is that relationships don't last.

did they really love each other?

i think they think they do. they feel something that is different and unique, infatuation/stimulation.

but when that is gone what is left? the opposite sex who smells bad, can't dress, says embarrassing things, struggles in making decisions, is too emotional, too careless, the list can go on and on.

so how do you continue to love? how does one ever really find TRUE LOVE?

"Love demands action if it is to be continuing. Love is a process. Love is not a declaration. Love is not an announcement. Love is not a passing fancy. Love is not an expediency. Love is not a convenience."

well i, like many of you, am still trying to figure it out.

i am currently in the "process".

maybe this time around it will last...

Monday, October 17, 2011

First Kiss

I was 13 years old.

I was the new girl in West Linn Oregon, we moved in about 3 weeks prior. The new house was perfect, the best room being the theater in our basement, you know the kind that has dark walls with no windows and couches.

To avoid watching the Super Bowl on Sunday my dad and brothers decided to tape it and invite the young men and their leaders to come over and watch the game at our place.

I did everything I could to get invited to watch the game, in the end I don't think I was ever invited to watch the game I just made myself at home.

I distinctly remember trying to sit next to the cutest boy in the room, we are going to call him Ivan. I squeezed myself on the end of the couch next to him and began pretending that I was really interested in the game.

My left hand rested directly over my knee, available if at any moment Ivan wanted to hold it. As the game progressed I got MY game on with Ivan and got to talking and joking with him. Soon enough our hands were touching, then holding.

I remember looking up at him as we were talking about something and then it happen, he just LAYED one on me, he kissed me! My first kiss, right there with my brothers, dad and members of our ward in the same room. Sparks flew and for a second I thought we were the only ones in the room.

Feeling a little overwhelmed I whispered to him "I have never done that before" and while whispering I glanced up and saw the young men's leader staring down at me. What a great way to start my reputation in the new ward. News traveled fast in that tiny room and by the end of the night everyone had known that Ivan and I kissed.

The story gets better. The next day I went to school a new friend of mine ran up to me with fear in her eyes and asked "did you kiss Ivan this weekend?" A little surprised that news had traveled so fast but oblivious to what information was coming next I responded joyfully "yes!". I had already been dreaming about that kiss, thinking about the next time I would see him, most likely planning our future relationship, sounds like a typical girl eh?

She proceeded to tell me that he had a girlfriend who was in our stake but went to the other middle school. I was mortified. How could it be that my first kiss ever was with a boy who was committed to someone else. I felt sick to my stomach. Needless to say Ivan and I never kissed again and it took a long time before I could gain the trust of that girl.

A lesson you think I would've learned is that you should know someone better before you kiss them. Sadly it has taken many many years for me to learn that lesson.

Many more kisses and heartbreak stories to come! Join me on my journey to find that frog who will hopefully turn into my Prince.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


I hadn't had any recent lessons with the missionaries and the investigator I told you about (he had cancelled a few). So when I saw them walking the other day I took whipped the car around and stopped them.

You could tell that they were having a rough day. I spent the next 15 min giving the boys a little pep talk. I reminded them that if they really believed it they could see miracles. I even offered to feed them the next day which apparently was a blessing to them. They had no meals this week, which seems ridiculous considering it's REXBURG.

They went on there way and I went on to find out investigator, he wasn't home but his brothers gf filled me in on some info that made me sad. I went home, prayed for these missionaries and investigator. About 2 hours later I got this text "bri-we found our miracle". Tears fell has a feeling of joy flowed through my body.

The next day I grabbed Five Guys and headed to the park to feed them. They told me how they had texted the whole zone to pray for a miracle and every companionship called them to fill them in on a miracle. I heard all the companionships view on a miracle. Some of the stories reminded me how miracles can be something as little as someone listening.

While we were sitting there eating guess who rode by on his bike...the investigator we have all been looking for. The elders taught a lesson and we could all see that he is still progressing well and ready to prepare for baptism.

Miracles happen everyday you just have to believe it.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Advice from Elder Busche and Coach K

I absolutely LOVE this video. It has gotten me through some of the toughest times of my life. It really puts things into perspective.

Elder Busche says in one part of this advice "When you cannot love someone, look into that person's eyes long enough to find the hidden rudiments of the child of God in him."

I thought about this quote when reading from Coach K's "Leading With The Heart" book. In there he states "If you always look into your players' eyes-whether it's victory or defeat-you're going to get the most out of your profession." He found that as he did this there relationships were stronger and more unity was formed.

Gary Lewis producer and event coordinator for many celebrity functions was asked while here on BYU-Idaho campus, "how do you network?". He replied with something many of us business and communication majors did not expect, "Now I don't know what networking is, but I know how to build relationships." Gary is the type of guy who looks you straight in the eye, almost intimidating, he asks you direct questions and really wants to know the answers. He seeks for the child of God in every person.

These are people who have really embraced the idea that we are all children of our Father in Heaven. They have found that when seeking to understand and embrace each child of God success has found them and the love they have for others has grown.

"I am a child of God"

And so is everyone else...